What is Yoga?

Yoga is when all mind activities are enveloping a thought or an object.
- Patanjali


Starting 6th April at the Trinity Centre, Beechwood Road (Dalston), London E8 3DY 6-7pm

Starting 12th April at OneKX, 120 Cromer Street, London WC1H 8BS 6-7pm

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Yoga in Mainstream Schools

Teaching yoga to primary school children in after-school clubs and nurseries has brought me much joy. The kids are wonderful to watch especially when they are focused and attentive. Imagine 3 year olds slithering like a snake or barking like a dog! 

Yoga classes are a fun and interactive way to aid children's natural development, building self confidence, flexibility, motor coordination and strength while learning in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.  Regular practice increases children's concentration and focus as well as tackle child obesity, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Please contact me at pat.olabre@googlemail.com or on 07962-993966 for more information. I possess an up-to-date CRB disclosure and a valid insurance.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

** Easter Break - Kids Yoga **

For kids wanting to try yoga, this is your chance to join our nice group during the Easter break. The classes will run from 8th April to 27th May.

Working with a lovely Yoga teacher (that's me!), offering fun, creative sessions for children (& any parents who want to join in!), combining exciting adventures with stories, games and relaxing techniques designed to stimulate imagination and maintain flexibility.

Classes will be held at the Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU - just round the corner from Westminster Abbey/Parliament Square as an easy landmark.  If you're free on Thursday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30, we'd love for you to join us. It would be quite helpful to have an idea of how many people to expect, so please email Tammy at  pata_dn@yahoo.com if you're interested.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Balancing Our Doshas

According to Ayurveda there are three constitutions, each made up of two elements, which are responsible for the functioning of the human organism. When Vata, Pitta and Kapha reside undisturbed in their proper place, the body will be supported and is in balance. When disturbed, they cause disease and deterioration in the body.  
Each one of us are made up of a combination of the three types of doshas. People may be of a predominant dosha, but all doshas have the basic elements within them.  
Factors that can bring about balance of the tridoshas are diet, exercise, good digestion, and elimination of toxins.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Yoga of Heart -- The Healing Power of Intimate Connection

I would like to share with you a video of Mark Whitwell's workshop. Having followed his classes on Sky TV, they served as a good revision of my teacher training course. We both studied in the Krishnamacharya tradition. He, from the source, Professor Krishnamacharya and I, from Marc Beuvain, a student of TKV and Kausthub Desikachar. TKV is Krishnamacharya's son and Kausthub, his grandson.

Incidentally Mark has www.heartofyoga.com registered under his name. I discovered it too late; I was already a few weeks into writing my blog. Hopefully, though, he won't have a an issue sharing the name with me since we both took it from TKV Desikachar's book, Heart of Yoga. 

Heart is Yoga is probably the first book on yoga I have read from beginning to end. It is so interesting and provides a good foundation on the study of yoga. Even as a non-yoga practitioner we can also learn a lot from using the principles stated in the book.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Yoga Spring Cleaning Practice

Relax and de-stress after work! New drop-in yoga classes starting 12th April.

What: Levels 1-2
When: Mondays 6-7pm
Where: OneKX
Price: £5 per session

Learn to still the mind through asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing) and meditation. Benefits include clarity of mind, improved strength and flexibility, better sleep patterns and physical/mental wellbeing.

Please wear comfortable clothing. Mats are available. Hope to see you there!