What is Yoga?

Yoga is when all mind activities are enveloping a thought or an object.
- Patanjali


Starting 6th April at the Trinity Centre, Beechwood Road (Dalston), London E8 3DY 6-7pm

Starting 12th April at OneKX, 120 Cromer Street, London WC1H 8BS 6-7pm

Thursday, 30 April 2009

New Gentle Yoga Classes starting 13th May

C O R R E C T I O N ! ! !

Gentle yoga practice for relaxation and renewal

Open to all levels. Please sign up in advance.
Dates: 12 May - 30 June 2009
8x Tuesday
Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm 
Where: Carole Young Community Centre
Cranston Estate N1 5EH
Cost: £40 for 8 week series (Drop-in £7)

Monday, 27 April 2009

Space wanted

Looking for a hall or big room in the budget range of £10 or below per hour in the City/Islington/Hackney areas. I would like to start more classes next month. In order to offer affordable community-based classes, it would be superb to find a hall, which won't cost an arm and a leg to hire.

If you know of anything, please drop me a line and will contact them asap. Thanks for your help! 

Thursday, 23 April 2009

What makes a day perfect?

This is probably my lucky day. No monster kids. Perfect weather. High turnout. Had a successful start with the new course! 
I have been trying to make my practice outline all day and couldn't get myself to put it down on paper. While writing up all my notes, I came across one practice I have done before and decided I was going to use it. Problem solved.
Once we started the class, somehow the practice changed without trying at all. It really works to find the appropriate postures and tailor the practice at that specific moment. I had it all planned out and yet, the outcome changed; the result much better than I had expected. 
Speaking to a few of my students after the class, most of them beginners, they were all surprised that they could do it. Yoga is indeed for everyone. 

So what are you waiting for?! Come join the next class!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Estate kids - pure evil or just bored?

For the second time, I have been harassed by these monster kids on the estate. We're talking 6 and 7 year olds running amok and making people's lives hell! Tonight while teaching my class, 3 of these kids tried to lock us in the community hall by pulling the shutters down. Can you believe?! Luckily I was able to maintain my composure and finish  the class with ease. I was forced to call the police again to report this harassment. No more Mr Nice Guy!!  I tried to show them respect and this is what I get. While on the phone with the MET, who should pass by but the father, followed by Chloe, Summer and Storm! What luck! 
I can recall telling James to grab them. Hahaha. We explained to him what his kids were up to! Serves them right. They were so scared.... But with this, I hope this stops right here, right now.

Pose of the Week

Adhomukha Svanasana
(downward-facing dog)

Start in Samasthiti with the legs together, spine straight, arms on the side and head relaxed.
On inhale, bring hands by the front and place above the head. Exhale, bend forward from the hips while keeping the spine straight. Place palms on either side of the feet, creating one line with the toes. Bend the knees if necessary.
Inhale, bring one leg back into a lunge. Exhale, bring the other leg back and push the hips up towards the ceiling, creating an inverted V-posture. Keep arms and legs straight. Shoulders are wide and relaxed. No pressure on the wrists by grounding the fingers and palms into the mat. Slowly bring the heels to the floor. The head hangs naturally and look between your feet. 
Stay here for a couple of breaths, breathing in and out slowly through the nostrils. Create an energy flow within the body.
On the next inhale, bring one foot between hands coming into a lunge. On exhale, bring the other foot forward, coming into a forward bend. 
Inhale, bring the arms up to ears, come to standing letting the arms lead the back up. Exhale, slowly bring the arms to the side of the body.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Yoga Philosophy

Sutra 1.1 atha yogânusâsanam

now, here begins the teachings of yoga.

It is very important to create a good atmosphere before giving a class to gain confidence and faith of the student. However, this goes both ways. The student needs to take the vow to practise with a good attitude and be ready to receive the teaching.


Yoga is a powerful tool on the journey of physical and spiritual growth. We will learn to connect with the body, the breath and mind while using a few tools of yoga with the aim of improving our overall well-being.

Gentle dynamic yoga practice with emphasis on the breath. Classes are designed to accommodate the students' needs and capabilities. 

Some benefits of a regular practice include:
Increased strength and flexibility
Increased self-awareness, attention and focus
Massage of the organs
Stress reduction

Open to all levels. Please sign up in advance.

Dates: 10x Thursday starting 23rd April 
Time: 10-11am or 6:45 - 7:45pm 
Where: Carole Young Community Centre
Cranston Estate N1 5EH
Cost: £50 for 10 week series (Drop-in £7)

Trying to get pregnant? Recovering from an injury? Children's classes? One to one classes in the privacy of your home or at work also offered upon request.

The Science of Yoga and Breath

Why do Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control)?

A short answer is that Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) makes you feel better. Practicing the postures, breathing exercises and meditation heals the body, mind and spirit. Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) lets you tune in, chill out, and shape up, all at the same time.

For many people, that's enough of an answer. But there's more if you're interested.

For starters, Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) are good for all ailments. Research shows that Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control)  help control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, backache, blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, and heart diseases.

Other Benefits of Yoga & Pranayama (Breath Control):

The most important benefit of Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) is physical and mental therapy. The aging process, which is largely an artificial condition, caused mainly by auto-intoxication of self-poisoning, can be slowed down by practicing Yoga. By keeping the body clean, flexible and well lubricated, we can significantly reduce the catabolic process of cell deterioration. To get the maximum benefits of Yoga one has to combine the practices of YOGA ASANAS, PRANAYAMA (Breath Control) AND MEDITATION. Regular practice of Yoga asanas, Pranayama (Breath Control) and Meditation can help curve diverse ailments such as diabetes, blood pressure, digestive disorders, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, asthma, varicose veins and heart conditions. Laboratory tests have proved the yogi's increased abilities of consciously controlling autonomic or involuntary functions, such as temperature, heartbeat and blood pressure. Research into the effects of yogic practices on HIV is currently under way.

Why are Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) successful?

According to medical scientists, Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body.

Yoga acts both as a curative and preventive therapy. The very essence of Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) lies in attaining mental peace, improved concentration powers, a relaxed state of living and harmony in relationships. Through the practice of Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control), we become aware of the interconnectedness between our emotional, mental and physical levels. Gradually this awareness leads to an understanding of the more subtle areas of existence. The ultimate goal of Yoga and Pranayama (Breath Control) is to make it possible to fuse together the gross material (Annamaya), Physical (Pranamaya), mental (Manomaya), intellectual (Vigyanamaya) and spiritual (Anandamaya) levels with the being.


Yogi Ramesh