What is Yoga?

Yoga is when all mind activities are enveloping a thought or an object.
- Patanjali


Starting 6th April at the Trinity Centre, Beechwood Road (Dalston), London E8 3DY 6-7pm

Starting 12th April at OneKX, 120 Cromer Street, London WC1H 8BS 6-7pm

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Pose of the Month

(Side Plank Pose)

Vasistha is the name of several well-known sages in the yoga tradition. 

Start in samasthiti, inhale and raise your arms above your head; exhale and bend forward from the hips. Inhale, lengthening the spine. Hold your breath, jump your feet back to a plank and come down to a staff pose on an exhale.On the next inhalation, curve your upper body forward into upward-facing dog, bringing the shoulders down and opening the chest. Exhale, push your hips up to the ceiling into downward-facing dog. As you come into the vasisthasana, take a deep inhale, shift your body onto the outer edge of your left foot. Place the right foot on top of the left. Move your right hand onto your hip and turn the torso to the right at the same time supporting the weight of the body on your outer left foot and left hand. Straighten the arm and strengthen the thighs; align the entire body into one long diagonal line from the heels to the crown. If you are ready, you can reach the right hand up to the ceiling, parallel to the shoulders. Keep the head in a neutral position.

Stay here for a couple of breaths and come to downward-facing dog. Repeat on the other side. Then return to downward-facing dog for a few more breaths, and finally release to child's pose.

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