I am borrowing this article from Ananda Marga Wellness Center for everyone's info. We have to know how important it is to drink looooots of water and how we drink impacts our health.
Ever since I got back from the wellness center in 2007, I changed my water drinking habits. I don't drink cold water anymore and try not to drink anything during my meals. I used to be really good in drinking hot lemon water every morning when I worked at Bloomberg but since I don't have my ready cut lemons at home, I have lagged a bit in that aspect.
Do's and Don'ts of Drinking Water
1. Drink water not only when thirsty.
2. In the early morning, on an empty stomach, drink a good quantity of water.
Instead of plain water, lemon with a pinch of salt is better, as it has an alkaline effect on the body and, hence, greater purifying powders.
3. Drink a glass of cool water one hour before eating.
This helps to make the system more clean. At the same time the quantity of saliva will increase and one will have more appetite. It is sometimes advisable to eat a little later, in order to increase the appetite and digestive powers.
4. It is better to drink a glass of water one hour before meal and not to drink again until one hour after the meals.
At the time of eating or just after eating, if one drinks water, then that water remains inside the body for a long time and dilutes the saliva and digestive juices. Drinking water one hour after meals helps the digestive processes because the liquid helps the food to pass though the intestines.
5. Drink lemon water both in the morning and evening.
This helps the small intestines remain free from accumulating and creating poisons.
6. One should drink in a sitting position.
7. The daily intake of water differs per person.
A healthy person should drink 3 to 4 litters water daily, a sick person 4 to 5 liters daily and a person suffering from skin disease 5 to 6 liters daily.
8. Drinking a lot of water at a single time is harmful, especially for cardiac patients.
9. It is not good to drink ice water.
For people in normal health, the ideal temperature for drinking water is 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius).
10. While drinking water one must keep one’s mind positive.