What is Yoga?

Yoga is when all mind activities are enveloping a thought or an object.
- Patanjali


Starting 6th April at the Trinity Centre, Beechwood Road (Dalston), London E8 3DY 6-7pm

Starting 12th April at OneKX, 120 Cromer Street, London WC1H 8BS 6-7pm

Saturday, 17 October 2009

3 Days Solace for the Soul - A Raja Yoga Intensive

A Meditation Retreat

We all have three eyes. Two for looking out and one for looking in. Why would we want to look in when the whole of the world seems to be "looking out"? When everything seems to be happening "out there"? Because the treasure we seek to discover is inside, not outside.

What is real treasure? Beauty, truth, peace, and happiness. You already have what you want. You already are stunningly beautiful. You already are peaceful and loving. Why does it look like you don't know this? Simple, you never look inwards, beyond superficial memories or recent experiences, so you never see your own riches.

Take a moment to stop. Don't rush. Don't search. Just look in. And see what there is all to see.


But if you would like to know more about the venue, please click on the link.

We would appreciate a donation of PHP1,500.00 for the weekend accommodation and vegetarian meals. The program is free of charge.

Start Time:
Friday, January 15, 2010 at 6:00pm
End Time:
Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 3:00pm
1020 Magallanes Drive
Tagaytay, Philippines

Friday, 9 October 2009

Yoga Aid Challenge

Please support me in this wonderful Challenge. The Yoga Aid Challenge is to complete 108 Sun Salutations (2 hour extreme Yoga practice) whilst also supporting great causes. The charity I am supporting is The Special Yoga Centre which supports children with a range of conditions, including cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, autism, epilepsy, ADD and ADHD, and other physical and developmental difficulties. Please support me by making a donation to this great cause and help me to make a difference with this Challenge.

At The London Yoga Show
October 31, 2009
12nn - 2pm

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Exercise Register Logo

Fancy fancy! Check out the logo I am allowed to use as a Level 3 instructor!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Banana Dance!

Good news! After two weeks, the long wait is over. I am officially on the exercise register with a good-looking certificate AND ....... GLL's new yoga instructor!!!!!

Things are looking up, thank God! Started class today at a fashion company, next week I will be teaching to a group of teenagers in a state school! On top of that, my Monday evenings will be spent teaching to a group of musically and artistically-inclined students.

I felt so crushed last month after a series of planned classes didn't work out. Lost so much confidence and motivation. Sat at home most of the time wondering what to do with my time.. Arrgggghh! Pity James! He had to hear over and over again how bored I was. Hahaha!

Indeed when a door closes, another one opens.